

Microorganisms are the primary factor influencing the formation, balance, and restoration of the natural environment. We utilize biotechnology as a set of procedures based on the technological application of microbial metabolism. The selection of suitable biotechnology, its method, and scope are always proposed with regard to specific problems and customer requirements. Within the applications of biotechnological processes, we use biological preparations with the necessary amount of microbial strains, enzymes, biostimulators, and effective natural additives.

Treatment of process water

We carry out the treatment of process water with the following objectives:

  • Treatment against algae growth, odors, incrustations, and other undesirable properties
  • Regeneration of technological systems and distribution networks where process water is used
  • Use of natural and biodegradable preparations that are harmless to the environment

Improving the quality of surface water

We implement measures to improve the quality of surface water:

  • Design and project preparation
  • Implementation in ornamental ponds, natural swimming pools, and artificial biotopes
  • Application of our proprietary BIO-fixation technology
  • Based on a suitable combination of biological, chemical, and physical processes