
Biotechnologies are defined as a set of procedures based on the technological usage of the metabolism of micro-organisms. Thanks to their ability to decompose organic matter, micro-organisms are the major element that impacts the creation and retention of the natural environment. Suitable biotechnology, with an appropriate method and scope, is always designed and implemented with regard to the specific problem and the character of the pollution, and according to the customers’ requirements. Within the scope of the application of biotechnological procedures, special biological products that have the guaranteed quality and necessary quantity of microbial strains, enzymes, detergents, biostimulators and effective natural additives are successfully being implemented.


Within the scope of its environmental operations, G-servis Praha s r.o. is intensively developing biotechnologies, which it is successfully applying to the following issues in particular:


Treatment of surface water

G-servis Praha designs and implements biological cleaning of water tanks within the scope of so-called “anti-eutrophication” measures, which mainly include improvement of the quality of surface water, disposal of toxic blue-green algae, elimination of odours and reduction of the thickness of organic sediments. We further ensure qualified intervention in ornamental lakes, natural pools and artificial biotopes, in relation to their revitalization.

Within the scope of the procedures for treatment of surface water and water-bearing environments, we use "BIO-fixation” technology, where selected micro-organisms are applied in a targeted manner and supported with a mineral element and nutrients, ensuring faster and better-quality decomposition and fixation of the pollutants present. This is a complex technological procedure based on a suitable combination of biological and chemicophysical processes, and it is applicable according to the specific conditions of the treated eco-system.

Treatment of technological water

G-servis Praha treats technological water and treats it against algae, odours, incrustation and other undesirable components and properties. Within the scope of the method for treatment of technological water, the technological and distribution systems that use the technological water are also simultaneously treated and regenerated.

Within the scope of the technological procedures used during purification and treatment of technological water, natural or biological products that are highly degradable and harmless to the environment are used. Decontamination of groundwater.

G-servis Praha uses its own “BIO-servis” technology for biological decontamination of groundwater contaminated by biologically degradable substances (petroleum products, aromatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, etc.). The biotechnology is applied at the groundwater contamination site, i.e. “in situ”.

Within the framework of the sanitation measures, which are often related to the decontamination of groundwater, G-servis Praha applies its own “ATEN-servis” technology. This method is based on the detailed monitoring of natural attenuation processes, i.e. monitoring the potential of the environment to naturally reduce the contamination of groundwater.


Cleaning of the soil(s)

G-servis Praha uses its own “BIO-servis” biotechnology for cleaning soils contaminated with biologically degradable substances.

The application of biotechnological procedures is done both at the site of the soil contamination, i.e. “in situ”, and off the contamination site, i.e. “ex situ”, by transportation to its own or a contractual decontamination site.

Fertilisation of the soil and substrates

G-servis Praha applies its own technological procedures, with the objective of biologically treating and fertilizing the soil and substrates. The essence is to provide, suitably and at the right time, selected active soil micro-flora to the given environment. To free nutrients already provided earlier and bonded in the soil, which are not readily available to the root system.

To add necessary supporting natural nutrients to the soil and accelerate the decomposition of solid plant components during the formation of humus. To appropriately adjust the pH of the soil, help maintain soil moisture, lighten and aerate the soil, and protect the soil and substrate from the development of undesirable soil moulds and fungi.


Treatment of wastewater

Within the scope of comprehensive services in the field of treatment of wastewater and wastes (removal of odours, decomposition of solid components, reduction of the content of pollutants, etc.), G-servis Praha offers various solutions according to the possibilities, requirements and needs of the customer.

These activities include the biological treatment of waste located in an accumulation facility (cesspit, cesspool, digester) by direct application of micro-organism cultures and enzymes, or continuous dosage of biomass using a “bioactivator” and the supply of technology for biological activation of ineffective cleaning equipment with the option of installing a final cleaning, so-called, “biofilter”. For many customers, special treatment technologies have been designed and delivered, including the regeneration of pipelines and process equipment, for wastewater containing fats, starches, greases and other organic substances.

Treatment of sludges, sediments and organic wastes

G-servis Praha uses its own "BIOACTIV-servis” biotechnology, which is based on the use of the specific properties of selected cultures of non-pathogenic micro-organisms. The technology is focused on treatment and modification of the undesirable properties of sediments from rivers and water reservoirs, sludges and organic wastes, for the purpose of their further usage, such as in water and waste management, forestry and agriculture, recultivation, composting and recycling, or within the framework of other technological procedures.

Biotechnology is used at the site of the occurrence of the sediment or sludge, so-called “in-situ”, and also off the site of occurrence, so-called “ex situ”, i.e. if the sludge or organic waste has already been handled and subsequently transferred to a special site for controlled biological treatment.

Články o biopreparátech