Former KOVOPLAST Plant and Surrounding Area of Nový Bydžov
Client: City of Nový Bydžov Implementation
Period: 2012-2023, DNAPL (CLET) phase; remediation completed Brief
Description: Remediation of soil and groundwater contamination, revitalization of water sources
OQEMA (formerly Overlack, ZACHEMA) Plzeň
Client: OQEMA, s.r.o. Implementation
Period: 2013-2023, DNAPL (CLET) phase; remediation completed Brief
Description: Remediation of soil and groundwater contamination near the railway corridor
Former TDV Duchcov Plant
Client: Pro I s.r.o. Implementation
Period: 2021-2023, remediation completed Brief
Description: Remediation of soil contamination
Former Walter Stará Boleslav Aircraft Engine Test Facility
Client: Ministry of Finance Implementation
Period: 2008-2013, LNAPL (aviation fuel) phase; remediation completed Brief
Description: Remediation of soil and groundwater contamination near a public water supply (PWS)
Municipal Laundry and Cleaning Plant Přeštice
Client: Okresní podnik služeb Plzeň – jih, s.p. in liquidation Implementation
Period: 1996-2007, DNAPL (CLET) phase; remediation completed Brief
Description: Remediation of groundwater contamination near a public water supply (PWS)
Risk Assessments
Former packaging plant crushers Holostřevy and Bochov
STRABAG, a.s. Prague 2011, 2023.
Military airfield Čáslav
VUSS Pardubice. Prague 2001.
Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling
ZPA Ekoreg Ústí nad Labem
Client: Ministry of Finance Implementation
Period: 2007 Brief
Description: Model of groundwater flow and extraction, and transport of DNAPL contaminants
Prague Zoo
Client: Prague Zoo Implementation
Period: 2006 Brief
Description: Groundwater extraction model and water management study of the area
Industrial water treatment plants
OP Papírna Olšany 2020-2024
Staropramen breweries – Ostravar brewery 2018–2023
Water treatment plants for drinking purposes
Pečky - Tatce 2024
Jince 2022
Revnice 2022
Foreign orders
Ethiopia - RAYA BREWERY Maychew 2017
Georgia - Tsilkani Brewery 2016
Abd Al Kuri Yemen 2008
Nová Role – Novorolský rybník 2006-2024
Senate of the Czech Republic – Valdštejnská zahrada 2004-2024