
G-servis Praha has a team of experts who cover a broad spectrum of activities that are generally termed hydrogeology. The individual hydrogeological activities are also used in the sanitation works and engineering geology sectors. The following chapters contain information about the broadest hydrogeological activities.


The first step for the successful implementation of a collecting object is its optimal location. To ensure this, biodetection methods (for instance, dowsing) and geophysical methods are applied.

G-servis Praha installs collecting objects as individual water sources for family homes, industrial premises, recreation objects, golf courses, etc.

Water collecting boreholes are installed for water companies as sources of mass water supply. The company performs semi-operational pumping tests on the collection boreholes (determination of useful yield), but also processes the proposals of water resources protection zones (formerly hygiene protection zones). Within the framework of our comprehensive services, we provide engineering (from the processing of project design documentation, through the installation of the objects themselves, to negotiation with the relevant state administrative authorities).

Specific works include the installation of water-collection boreholes (mostly large-dimension boreholes) for heating and cooling of administrative and other buildings.


Within the scope of the rock environment contamination survey, we differentiate the survey of the unsaturated zone (soils, soil air) from the survey of the saturated zone (groundwater). To verify the degree and extent of contamination of the individual components of the geological environment, individual specialised methods are used, such as atmogeochemical measurement, slim-profile probing, drilling works, zonal sampling of groundwater, logging, "in-situ" analytical determination, etc. The analytical works are done exclusively in accredited laboratories.


The spectrum of hydrogeological evaluations and studies is highly variegated. The primary role here is played by the monitoring of changes in the groundwater level, along with monitoring of the groundwater quality. Assessments and studies concerning the disposal of atmospheric precipitation on the land plots of investors (family homes, industrial and administrative complexes) are becoming very common.

In this group of hydrogeological works, we include, for instance, technical-economic studies for determining the options for obtaining and using technological and drinking water for industrial zones and administrative complexes.

One specific area is the assessment of the impact of anthropogenic interventions in the groundwater regime and quality. Every building construction project, especially, industrial and transport infrastructure building projects, to a certain extent entail intervention in the hydrogeological regime.


Mathematical modelling makes it possible to simulate the direction and flow rate of groundwater, and the transport of chemical substances contained in the groundwater (contaminants).

The models are very often processed for the requirements of groundwater collection (optimal use of objects and their mutual influence), for processing risk analyses, for increasing the efficiency of sanitation works, for implementing flood prevention measures, and for building construction (inflows to construction pits) and many other purposes.

G-servis Praha uses the Visual Modflow computer simulation software. With the aid of the software kits MT3D (or RT3D), it is possible to simultaneously determine the reactive transport of multiple pollutants in groundwater (for instance, for Cl-U contamination, i.e. PCE, TCE, DCE, VC), taking into consideration the processes of natural RNA attenuation.