Ingineering geology

G-servis Praha has a team of experts ready to perform comprehensive engineering-geological research, geotechnical tests and inspection activities for the foundations of buildings.

The range of activities most often carried out within the scope of engineering geology is given in the following chapters:


The basic activity is performance of comprehensive engineering-geological surveying for the foundations of buildings – assessing the investment plan in terms of the requirements for the foundations of buildings and the required modification of the foundation conditions, detailed surveying of the foundation conditions of the projected object, or designing a foundation method.

A hydrogeological survey and Radon survey are also integral to the works. The impact of groundwater on foundation structures and the risk of Radon penetration from bedrock into the buildings are necessary criteria for assessing the foundation conditions and design of the structural elements of the objects.

The survey works themselves are preceded by the processing of archived data from the area of interest. The results of the material research from earlier surveys are often processed in the form of preliminary reports and used as a basis for processing the first stage of the construction project design documentation.


The usual absence of credible documents about existing buildings requires these relatively demanding surveys. The solution of the problem requires the use of special survey methods in interiors (dynamic penetration, light drilling rigs, and seismic, geoelectric, georadar and radon measurement).

Integral parts of the comprehensive survey for reconstructing objects include the evidence of the vertical and horizontal structural elements of existing buildings, mycological studies, sampling and analysis of building materials, and any sanitation of the contaminated parts of the object.